Political Illustrations

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Book: Connecticut Formerly the Constitution State: How the Politicians and judges have subjugated the citizen to the state.
By Peter Thalheim

back of book, Connecticut scales of power & justice title, drawing of scale of citizens on one side and state on other, people leaving connecticut

My Illustration on the back cover. 2020.
Illustration owned by Peter Thalheim.

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Book: The School to Prison Pipeline: How the Public School Monopoly and Teachers’ Unions Deny School Choice to High-Needs Black, Hispanic, White, Asian, and Other Students.
By Peter Thalheim.

back of book, drawing of a pipe, scharter school not letting people in, prison at the end of popeline, outshoots of pipe moslty closed off, two outshoots to high school and tradeschool

My Illustration on the back cover. 2020.
Illustration owned by Peter Thalheim

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Book: Check "American" and the 2020 Census: Why "American" should be the first category offered for your race, creed, color and ethnicity.
By Peter Thalheim.

back of book, drawing of crayon box called world pack melting and all colors mixing. crayon called america is melting too into the mix of melted wax

My Illustration on the back cover. 2020.
Illustration owned by Peter Thalheim